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Posted by curious
11/17/2014  9:40:00 AM
Why are instructors allowed to socialize with their students during competitions if it's not considered appropriate otherwise?
Re: socializing
Posted by Clary
11/17/2014  10:46:00 AM
Because even though there is social component to competitions, they are still a "business activity" between a vendor and their customers.
Re: socializing
Posted by ballroomchick
11/17/2014  11:34:00 AM
That sounds like your are from Arthur Murrays.

Why would AM instructors do this? You have paid $$$$ to do a comp with them that would have cost you 1/2 that price or less out the AM world. They want to make sure you have a goooood time to keep coming back.

Independent teachers do what they wish. Nothing wrong meeting up at event parties or group dinners with students. I know 1 guy who took his instructor to Peru for 2 weeks after they got through with a competition in South America. It was a trip of a life time for her. We all got to live the trip with them through FB photos. She has a very secure boyfriend and they are both the instructor and student are upstanding people.

What is creepy is for a student to sleep their way up the chain of dance instructors. Also an instructor who hits up students to sleep with them. Its a small world and everyone knows what everyone is doing. Think long and hard on your actions. It could very well affect who wishes to socialize with you/or who wishes to take instruction from you.

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